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Your  teen has anxiety? try sound frequencies!

You might be surprised about me bringing up the topic of sound frequencies when talking about anxiety. As a mental health therapist, it is important for me to only bring up topics that have been studied and proven scientifically.


This topic might surprise you!

Let’s start at the beginning: what are sound frequencies?


Sound frequencies refer to the rate at which sound waves vibrate per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). These frequencies determine the pitch of a sound, with higher frequencies producing higher-pitched sounds and lower frequencies producing lower-pitched sounds. The human ear can typically detect frequencies ranging from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, although this range can vary based on factors like age and hearing ability. Different frequencies can have various effects on the body and mind, including relaxation, stimulation, or even discomfort, depending on the individual and the context.

Sound frequencies cannot treat anxiety, but they can be part of strategies used to effectively reduce anxiety and help your brain perform and function better. This can aid in sleeping better, thinking better, and calming oneself down faster.


Sound frequencies can be helpful in reducing anxiety through a process known as brainwave entrainment. When we listen to certain frequencies, such as those found in binaural beats or specific types of music, our brainwaves tend to synchronize with the frequency of the sound.

For example, slower frequencies like delta and theta waves are associated with deep relaxation and meditation, while faster frequencies like alpha and beta waves are linked to alertness and concentration.

Our brain is responsible for processing all external information through our five senses and relaying this information to other organs of the body. In order to do this, it translates electric messages into different brain waves, which are classified into categories.


Each category communicates specific information to the rest of the body. Brain waves represent the rate and frequency of how fast information is being transmitted between the brain and the rest of the body.


There are five specific brain wave categories:

- Gamma (40-100 Hz): Fastest wave, triggered when integrating and digesting/classifying information.
- Beta (12-38 Hz): Second fastest wave, triggered when busy and having an active mind.
- Alpha (8-12 Hz): Triggered when reflective and restful.
- Theta (3-8 Hz): Triggered when feeling drowsy and preparing to sleep.
- Delta (0.5-3 Hz): Only triggered during sleep and dreaming.


Nowadays, due to our society and way of living, our brains often have difficulty shifting from one brain wave to another, leading to getting stuck. Signs that your brain waves are imbalanced include hyperactivity, attention issues, negative moods, rumination, mood swings, OCD, panic attacks, chronic pain, and sleep issues.


Sound frequencies can help rebalance brain waves. By exposing oneself to calming sounds at specific frequencies, it's possible to induce a state of relaxation and reduce anxiety. As seen above, the brain responds to external stimuli, including sound, by adjusting its own electrical activity. When we listen to soothing sounds, our brainwaves may shift in patterns associated with relaxation, helping to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.

Furthermore, listening to calming music or sounds can also distract from anxious thoughts and promote a sense of well-being. This can lead to a decrease in physiological markers of stress, such as heart rate and blood pressure.



So, how can I or my teen try sound frequencies?


First, you are going to need headphones or earbuds, preferably noise-canceling ones.

You can search for the following frequencies based on your symptoms and find videos playing music at the specific frequency you want. I suggest listening to the chosen frequency for a minimum of 20 minutes to fully observe results.


- Stress and physical pain: 432-440 Hz
- Anxiety and overwhelming thoughts: 396 Hz
- High heart rate: 432 Hz
- Unknown and stressful outcomes: 396 Hz
- Soothe trauma: 417 Hz
- Help with sleep: 432 Hz and 528 Hz


Feel free to try this for yourself or for your teen. Note that sound frequencies don’t have an effect on everyone, and science doesn’t fully understand why yet, but feel free to give it a try!

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