Is your 15 yo difficult and you just don't know what to do?
Maxine, our mental health therapist in Canada, specialising in family and teens, is looking for parents wanting a one on one session to talk about problems met with teens.
What is offered?
Parents have the opportunity to do a one on one online 45 min chat with Maxine about any specific topic of your choice, regarding parenting and your teen.
The objective is for Maxine to give you specific tools and strategies for your specific problems.
For who is this?
For any mom or dad meeting a problem at home with their teen.
The online meeting can be done with or without your teen being present.
The meeting will be voice recorded, and Maxine will require consent to publicly share the conversation. All names and personal details will be erased and be kept confidential.
When and how much is it?
It is completely free, and date and time can be arranged with Maxine.
Please reach out to Maxine by email and let her know what topic you would like help with.